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Conservation Meeting Minutes 4/8/04

Conservation Commission
April 8, 2004

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Stephan Glicken, Katherine Roth, Stephen Cremer, and Hank Langstroth were the members present. Peter Holden arrived at 8:05 p.m.

7:45 p.m., RDA, Public Hearing filed by Gary Werden. Proposed construction of a porch with a roof and an open deck at 95 Beach Street:

The Applicant Gary Werden, and Jim Miller, Engineer from Miller Engineering, appeared before the
Commission. Jim Miller submitted the green abutter cards and the revised
The existing house is inside the lawn area of the 50' No Build Zone and the 100' Buffer Zone.
The proposed open deck is on the right rear of the existing house. The proposed porch with a roof is on the front of the house.
A retaining wall is located behind the existing septic system.
The only excavation work proposed for the project is for pouring the concrete footings for the sono tubes to support the open deck.
The Applicant is meeting with the ZBA to review the proposed Plan.
Jim Miller stated that there would be no adverse impact to the wetlands from the construction of the proposed project.
The Commission agreed to approve the proposed wetland line as presented on the submitted Plan.
Peg called for a motion to close the Hearing.
Stephan Glicken moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. Unanimous.
Peg called for a motion to issue a Negative Determination as per submitted Plan.
Stephen Cremer moved. Katherine Roth seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

8:00 p.m., RDA, Public Hearing filed by Judith Anderson, Ken Olum and Valerie White. Proposed renovation of an existing stone revetment on Lake Massapoag opposite 156 Massapoag Ave.:

Applicant Valerie White, and Forrest Emery, wetland consultant, from Phoenix Environmental appeared before the Commission. Forrest submitted Locus Map, G.I.S. Map, and a Permitting Cross Section Plan dated 3/30/04, to the Commission. The members of the Commission also viewed digital photos of the proposed site. The proposed project location is on the easterly side of Lake Massapoag. The site consists of a small linear, (approximately 170' long, 8' to 12' wide) of upland area that is owned by the Applicants. There is a Right of Way on Massapoag Avenue within the 100' Buffer Zone, proximate to an Inland Bank and BVW of Lake Massapoag.
The Applicant proposes to renovate an existing stone wall revetment (approximately 2 ½' to 3
The proposed work is within the 100' Buffer Zone to the Inland Bank and BVW of Lake Massapoag.  However, due to the physical site constraints of the proposed project, the work area will be within the Massapoag Avenue Right of Way.
All healthy existing vegetation, trees, and shrubs will be preserved to the maximum extent feasible. The existing vegetation proximate to the Inland Bank will be cut flush to the existing grade to insure that the root masses stabilize in the disturbed soil areas.
Siltfence and/or double staked straw bales would be installed for sedimentation/erosion control.

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The reconstructed rock wall will be back filled, graded with topsoil, seeded, and landscaped with supplemental trees and shrubs.
The proposed project will be coordinated with the Sharon DPW and Police Dept.
The Commission discussed their concerns regarding the severe erosion problems of the proposed project, and requested the following conditions:
To submit a construction drawing for the proposed work.
The contractor for the proposed project to meet with the Conservation Administrator before starting the work.
A wetland specialist to be present at the site during construction to minimize the
     damage to the environment.
The Commission acknowledges that a N.O.I. would normally be required. However, due to the on-going erosion concerns, and the obvious maintenance/repair aspects of the proposed project, the Commission is not requiring that the Applicants file a N.O.I.
Peg called for a motion to issue a Positive Determination as per submitted Plan with the conditions as stated.
Katherine Roth moved. Hank Langstroth seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

8:15 p.m. N.O.I. Public Hearing, David Elman, 25 Sturges Road. Proposed addition of a breezeway to connect existing single family home with existing office/studio. Proposed construction of a  3 car garage. Grading and landscaping within the 100' Buffer Zone to a Inland Bank and  BVW of Lake Massapoag:

Applicant David Elman, Forrest Emery wetland consultant, and Louis Eyster registered architect, appeared before the Commission. Forrest submitted green abutter cards and Certified Plot Plan dated 12/8/03, to the Commission. The members of the Commission also viewed digital photos of the proposed site.
A subcontractor previously hired by the Applicant emptied numerous rock fragments and soil into Lake Massapoag. (In the area of wetland flags numbered B-1 to B-10 of the site.)
Greg visited the site and granted permission to the Applicant, on behalf of the Commission, to correct the replication work of the Inland Bank before obtaining the necessary work permits.
Forrest explained the scope of the completed replication work to the Commission:
The removal of the rock fragments and soil from the mean high water line of Lake Massapoag.
The reconstruction of a small stone wall along the Inland Bank.
The installation of hay bales for erosion control.
Due to a filled in area of a peninsula on the site, a small BVW replication was provided.
Forrest explained the scope of the proposed construction project to the Commission:
The proposed breezeway is located 77' from the BVW. The proposed 3 car garage is outside of the 100' Buffer Zone. A small chainlink fence is proposed along the bank of the property.
Native species plantings are proposed along the bank of Lake Massapoag as a form of mitigation.
(In the area of wetland flags numbered B-5 to B-10 of the site).
The Commission requested the following conditions:
Address the grading of the driveway to drain into the recharge area behind the proposed garage.
Submit a revised plan showing the existing topography in the front of the existing house, and the drainage location for the driveway and the proposed elevation of the garage.
To make a list of the proposed plantings and their locations on the revised plan.   
The architect stated to the Commission that a design to establish a drain on the outside of the apron of the garage door to collect the water runoff from the garage roof and driveway would be included on the revised plan.
Peg requested that the Applicant keep all of the proposed work for the garage outside of the 100
Peg called for a motion to continue the hearing until 8:00 p.m. on April 29.
Hank Langstroth moved. Stephen Cremer seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

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9:00 p.m. Miriam and Joe Gopen - Beach Tree Park Update:

The construction for the cobblestone labyrinth, located by the wetlands, has been completed.
The construction of a gazebo made of wood is scheduled to begin this summer.
The roof design will be compatible to that of the Flume House.
The foundation for the 14'x 14' gazebo will consist of rock and cement.
All of the proposed work will be outside of the 100
    Funds for the construction of the gazebo were raised from a recently  
     held dinner dance.
The Sharon DPW and private contractors have installed benches in the
                      labyrinth area of Beach Tree Park.
The installation of a heart shaped pergola is proposed near the labyrinth area.
The pergola will face towards Pond Street to provide a visual screen to
block out the nearby road traffic.
Stephan Glicken suggested hops plantings around the pergola.

9:20 p.m., Approve Past Meeting Minutes:

                Peg called for a motion to approve the March 18, 2004 Meeting Minutes
                as amended.
                Stephen Cremer moved. Stephan Glicken seconded. Voted. 5-0-1.

9:25 p.m., Other Business:

                The Commission agreed to invite the Animal Control Officer, Diane
                  Malcolmson, to meet with the Commission to discuss plans for a Dog Park.

9:30 p.m., Signatures:
             The Commission signed bills. Negative Determination for the project site
                 opposite 156  Massapoag Ave.

9:35 p.m. Adjournment:

            Peg called for a motion to adjourn.
    Hank Langstroth moved. Stephen Cremer seconded. Voted. Unanimous.